Confidence | Mom Edition

It is not easy to take care of everyone and everything and then make time to take care of ourselves! As moms, we always put ourselves on the back burner. I promise though that once you get in the habit of taking care of you. Taking actionable steps each day toward raising your confidence and encouraging YOURSELF to be better than you were yesterday, that you will feel better as a woman. We must set ourselves to the high standards we set when we take care of everything and everyone else in our lives. We wouldn’t let our children go to bed dirty every night, eat cake for dinner, and neglect their interests because we are tired - right?

No, we wouldn’t. We take them to sports. Feed them nourishing meals (most nights). Listen to their stories a 1000 times and give them baths because we love them and want them to know that. Well what if we took that same approach to loving ourselves and caring for ourselves!

Here are some tips for raising your confidence as a Mama. Raising your confidence as a mom will help reduce your anxiety. Since anxiety and fear are directly related; if we raise our confidence our fear can start to decrease and our ability to see the good and move forward will increase. It really is that simple it just depends on you to make that change!

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Self-Care | Take Care of You

You can't take care of others if you're sick, anxious, mentally exhausted, or physically injured. Your responsibilities are an easy excuse for why you can't shower or eat on time - don't take the easy way out. Take care of you. Nourish your body. Hydrate. Shower. Dry Brush. Talk about your feelings. Spend time everyday nourishing and nurturing yourself! Self-care raises our confidence!

Face Your Fears | Head On

Satan wants you to feel anxious and afraid. God says "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous." Isaiah 41:10. I had this piece of scripture taped to my kitchen window for a long time so I could see it consistently. Until I believed it. Whatever you're afraid of - sometimes just doing that thing will help you get over your fears. Enlist a friend to stand by your side. Face your fears. Grow your confidence!

Do What You Love | For Real!

Doing what we love raises our confidence levels. Why? Because accomplishment and having a sense of purpose helps us feel confident! So do what you love, unapologetically! If there is something you love to do but you don't have a lot of free time - take your kids. Teach them to do what you love. If they don't like it, that's okay at least you exposed them to it! Don't feel guilty either - you may be a mama but you are also a human. Humans have needs and that's okay! You get to be a mama and a woman with hobbies!

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Build a Community | You Don’t Have to Do this Alone

Know that you're not alone on the journey of motherhood. Be around other moms and in 5 minutes you'll know you're not alone! You are in the same season as another mom is right now and millions of moms before you! You don't have to be alone. It is hard to find a village but it is necessary! Finding a village allows you to have an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, friends to spoil, and kids for your kids to grow up with! You can find your village at church, a park, school events, and even at the checkout line at the grocery store. Put yourself out there, grow your confidence. Make new friends, grow your confidence!

Storytime is Magical in Moonlite

Find a Way | Not Excuses

Sometimes we just need to find a way to get what we want instead of making excuses as to why we're feeling x,y and z. Instead of saying 'I'm a hot mess' - figure out a way to not be a hot mess. You don't have to live in the struggle forever. Creating momentum through small movements each day will lead to a more confident YOU! This is true for starting a workout routine, practicing a hobby, or taking care of kids! We can find a way out of anything, Mamas! That means you can find a way out of the rut you may be in, the 10 extra pounds you need to lose, and the baby screaming! You can do this through research, community, a little grit, and a lot of grace! You got this!

Take a Food Journey Around the World!


Meal Prep Tips


Friday Favorites - May 26, 2023