Daily Self Care Habits - You Can Actually Make Time For!

Sometimes we overthink self-care and actually don’t end up taking care of ourselves. It’s a shame because as a mom we really need to take care of ourselves. And self care, the type of self-care I’m talking about here… is actually how you take care of yourself.

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The amount of times a week you shower.
The food you’re putting into your body.
The movement you’re getting.
Taking care of your skin.
Going to yearly doctors appointments.
Getting routine bloodwork.
Getting regular haircuts.
Taking time to do your skincare routine.
Brushing your teeth.
Reading your Bible.
What you’re watching.
Your sleep quality.

There are so many things that go into routine self-care that people overlook. Self-care isn’t just your ability to go out to the spa, get massages, and buy yourself a new outfit. It’s not just going out with your girlfriends, or doing a hobby you enjoy. It definitely includes those things on some level - but it is more about the things you do on a daily basis that add up and make a difference long term.

Here are some daily habits you can do that are easy to implement that will make a huge difference long-term for your mental and physical health! I suggest adding these to the notes section of your phone and checking them off daily once they’re done until you’ve made them a habit!

1. Shower daily
2. Brush your teeth 2x a day
3. Exfoliate in the shower
4. Put lotion on your body daily.
5. Do your daily facial skin care routine.
6. Eat 4-5 servings of vegetatbles a day.
7. Eat a protein with every meal.
8. Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in water every day.
9. Reduce your toxic load by investing in cleaner products
10. Sleep at least 8-10 hours throughout the day or at night.
11. Don’t go more than 2 hours without eating.
12. Instead of scrolling on social media, read a book, magazine, or listen to music.

Like I said, these are simple ways you can take care of yourself that will enhance your daily life and make a big change for you long-term! Set a goal to do these 12 things every day so you can see the difference in 2-4 weeks of how making these small changes help you!

For more encouragement listen to my podcast and check out the other sections of my website!


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