Emily Parkins

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Get Rid of the Guilt, Mama.

It is so much easier to tell ourselves we don’t have time to take care of ourselves than it is to actually take care of ourselves. Who actually has the energy at the end of the day to shower, take extra steps to cleanse our skin, read a fulfilling book, journal, or do anything else that would fill our cup.

I know I’ve made a lot of excuses myself as to why I can’t do general self-care practices and then when I’ve left the house for the pedicure, or doctor’s appointment I’ve felt guilty for leaving my kids and husband. It’s an unfair feeling and I’ve worked really hard to get rid of that guilt so I can enjoy those moments of peace to recharge.

Guilt is something that we have to work on controlling - daily. You should never feel guilty for taking care of your mental, physical, or spiritual health. I’ll repeat that again - 

You should never feel guilty for taking care of your mental, physical, or spiritual health. 

You deserve your time just as much as anyone else in your life does. If you don’t take time to take care of yourself you know you will pay for it mentally and physically down the line.

Let’s work through this guilt together. Every time you’re feeling guilty immediately tell yourself the opposite of that guilt.

Here are some examples:

❌ I don’t have time to workout because I have to clean the house.

💓 Moving my body intentionally is better for my mental and physical health. I will clean the house after I work out.

❌ Everything in my life needs to be about my kids, I can’t take time out of our busy schedule and giving them attention to go to a pedicure, or hair cut, or a doctor’s appointment.

💓 Taking time away from being ‘mom’ a few hours will recharge me and allow me to show up better for them when I get home. It is empowering and energizing for me to spend some time away from my kids and it is okay to do so!

❌ I have so much work to do, I’ll just grab this bagel instead of making myself a nutritious meal.

💓 If I spend time to prepare a protein-packed nutritious meal, I will have more energy and brain power to get my work done. This will make me more productive. My body and mind deserves a good meal.

Now - how can you use these tools in your life to encourage yourself and empower yourself to feel less guilty and take care of you!?

✨ We are chatting all about topics like this, including nutrition, fitness, affirmations, style, and so much more in my challenge group this month. A challenge group is a supportive place for you to check-in on your fitness and nutrition as well as how you’re doing mentally! You can learn more about them here and join this month’s group (it is ongoing so a new theme will start in February - which I will announce at the end of this week!). If you have any questions you can just shoot me an email at emilyrosefitlife@gmail.com.