Joy in Motherhood and Releasing the Mom Guilt

Audrey Hepburn said ““The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy, it’s all that matters.”

What in your life brings you joy?! What makes you happy? Do those things! They will fill your cup!

As moms we have a hard time doing things for ourselves because of #momguilt which is just a made up feeling that leaves us feeling empty!

Actively teaching our kids how to take care of themselves and that hobbies are healthy will set them up for the future! Our kids can be encouraged and are watching what we do and how we react and how we take care of ourselves. Teaching them that mommy and daddy need to be taken care of too is a good thing.

Not an action that should lead to feeling guilty.

An action that should lead to us feeling less stressed, clear headed, and refreshed.

So take the time to do the things that you enjoy (of course in addition to being with your kids because I know you enjoy that, this is just not about them it’s about you mama!) Actively pursue hobbies and outings that make you happy! And after you’ve had some time to reset and refresh - introduce your kids to those hobbies and give them the tools they need to learn to give themselves mental breaks I healthy ways!!! 🥰🫶🏼

So tell me mamas - what are things you love and enjoy doing?! How will you actively go do that starting now 👇🏼


Ways to Get a Break as a Mom


Supplements that help with hormones!