Monday Encouragement for your Mom Heart

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Let me tell you a secret…

Everything in life is work. It doesn’t get easier, you get better at it. Your weights don’t get lighter, you get stronger.

When you start to realize that life is a beautiful gift. That the “hard” moments are what makes us stronger, what makes the sweet moments sweeter, and moving forward is the only direction to look; life starts to feel less overwhelming. I did say a ‘little’ less overwhelming. As a mom life can feel like it is very hard or very easy. I feel like there are no in betweens. When someone gets sick it’s not just one, it’s everyone and it’s all at once. Then the house becomes a disaster because you’re no longer just mom you’re - nurse mom. Then when everyone is healthy again you’re - maid mom, cleaning mom, disinfecting mom, laundry mom and you know the list goes on.

Instead of feeling that overwhelm and looking at that big picture that can REALLY consume us. It’s important we’re looking at the smaller one steps forward. We’re focusing on the next thing. The next move. The next moment. The next decision we have to make instead of the decision we have to make tomorrow, next month, next year.

Jesus Listens by Sarah Young: Daily Devotional Prayers of Peace, Joy, and Hope

Breaking it all up into smaller chunks can really be less overwhelming and help us tackle whatever it is that’s on our to do lists, on our hearts, or just right there in front of us.

I’ve been told * a lot * lately that I’m pretty chill. Which is super surprising to me, because I was definitely not always a chill person. I was not always flexible, or go with the flow. Because I am one of those people who likes a plan, who likes to have the next choice, likes to be the one to plan the flow.

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But, as I’ve gotten older, and gotten more in tune with the important things in life I’ve realized, the flow only works if I am flowing with it. You know life can be really surprising and moments are very fleeting. So being able to be flexible and go with those surprising moments really helps your stress levels decrease and makes you a way more calm and collected (that means in control of your emotions because I was curious what that whole phrase meant for a long time, too!).

So here’s the thing…

This ‘chill’ has only come with the lessons I’ve learned that have taught me not to worry about literally anything that I cannot control. Of course I worry and have things on my heart, but at the end of the day - God is there and He will always get me through. Every moment. Good & bad. God will see me through.

Don’t doubt your faith. Don’t doubt that He has a plan. Don’t doubt that you’ll get through this next thing just like you’ve gotten through everything else before this. Even if ‘this’ is a mountain of dishes in the sink, a kid with a cold, or something bigger that you really need to rely on your faith for.

God has seen you through it. He will see you through it. He is seeing you through it.


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