Stop, Stopping Yourself.

What’s standing in your way of whatever is on your heart to achieve?!

It doesn’t matter if it’s just to get the laundry started for the day, get your business off the ground, or start a new project. Whatever it is. What is truly standing in your way?

I bet it’s you.
It’s probably you against you.

You’ve got to stop standing in your own way. Stop making excuses for why you’re not where you want to be or doing what you want to be doing.

The only person who can chase your dreams and desires is YOU. The only person who is going to start that laundry today is YOU!

Do you see how simple it is to just start? Just start. Get up and do the thing you’ve been pushing off. Don’t keep making excuses because that doesn’t get you anywhere.

Stop standing in your way. Let go of the negativity. Let go of what people might say. Let go of the exhaustion. Start letting yourself be fueled by the end result!

Stop stopping yourself! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

OLIPOP - Finally, Soda That's Actually Good For You

Friday Favorites - June 16, 2023


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