Tuesday Morning Devotional | June 13

OLIPOP - Take the First Sip

Good morning friends!

Today’s devotional is called Worship in the Mundane Tasks of Motherhood! You can listen to it wherever you ilsten to podcasts and read it below!

Daunting are some mornings when the laundry is piled high, the dishes are piled high and the house feels (but probably isn't) dirty. Those are the mornings that I noticed I needed some time to quiet my mind. But there is a mindset shift here that will help you calm down and recenter.

Titus 2:4-5 ERV

By doing this they will teach the younger women to love their husbands and children. They will teach them to be wise and pure, to take care of their homes, to be kind, and to be willing to serve their husbands. Then no one will be able to criticize the teaching God gave us.

When you pick up the towel to fold - tell yourself, I am worshipping my family right now. When making another bed - I am worshipping my family right now. When washing out a bottle - I am worshipping my baby right now. Picking up that dirty pair of jeans on your bedroom floor - i am worshipping my husband right now.

The worship I am referring to is in the form of giving thanks and praise for the person we are serving. I am not telling you to get down on your knees and praise your family - although scrubbing the floor and picking up dirty clothes does feel like hard down-on-your-knees work. What I am saying is... taking a deep breath instead of being angry about the spilled milk, dirty pants on the floor instead of the hamper, and being thankful for the endless tasks of motherhood and homemaking.

As spread thin as we are as women, we can be grateful that we have a mess to clean up. That means there are people around us who we love. How wonderful is that!

Just want to put in a plug here though - it's not wrong to give our kids chores, and communicate with our husband if we need help! Those are necessary communications that will help take the load off our plate so that we can focus on things that only we can do in our homes.

So as we are so busy complaining about these daily tasks, we forget that we are worshipping our family in our every day tasks. Every moment we are taking care of our family and home we are giving them praise and gratitude. We are giving them a beautiful home to live in. Clean clothes to wear. Warm meals to eat. We are changing their lives. We are teaching the next generation how to take care of a home and we are teaching our kids that real responsibility starts at home.

Practical things you Can do today:

  • Communication your needs with your spouse and kids. Teach your kids age appropriate chores and ask your husband for help with things that don't need a woman's touch!

  • When you're feeling overwhelmed by your tasks and like you're running out of time or always taking care of the home; take a break. Sometimes we really are just running around in circles. Make a schedule for cleaning and tidying up daily so that you're not chasing messes.

Check out my blog for more devotionals and tips: www.emilyparkins.com

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