Rhythms for Life

Hi friends!

I know how hard it is to maintain a house. It is so much work and add working full time and taking care of kids and running around after them on top of it - it’s hard to stay on top of it all, all of the time! I know it can be overwhelming but trust me, once we add in routines and rhythms it gets easier.

I believe the LESS we have to think about the more focused and prepared we can become. The more automation we can put into our life, the more habits we can build, the more we can do things without thinking about them, the easier things get!

As a mama, I know you have so much going on all of the time. When I first went back to work, I had a hard time adjusting to everything that needed to be done and staying on top of it all. I knew I had to get a grip and get into a routine if I was going to feel mentally less tired!

So I came up with this schedule of rhythms that has really helped me get things done, and stay sane while getting everything done! At first, this schedule may feel overwhelming to you - but it is a great tool to use to stay on top of your responsibilities and move forward!

I decided that I would break up the day into 3 parts, so that it was less overwhelming, then I gave myself goals for each day so that the housework was also divided!

You can down the PDF version of this here: Rhythms for Home

Let me know if this is helpful for you!


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