You are doing enough.

As a mom, I’m always wondering if I’m doing good enough, if I’m doing enough for my family, if they want for anything and how I can provide more for them.

Healthier dinners. Reading at bedtime. Getting everyone drinks at meals. Being the last one to sit at the dinner table every night. Making sure everyone has clean clothes. Brushed hair. Restocked soap, deodorant or their favorite drink and snacks in the fridge. Meal prep. Clean floors to crawl on. Clean sheets to sleep in. Up to date with dentist appointments. Gifts for friends and family and birthday parties. The list goes on.

When I look at my home and sit to reflect I know by their smiles, their happiness and the lack of them worrying about those things; that yes indeed I’m doing enough. And even when I’m totally spent at the end of the day - God tests me. He says “Emily lunches need to be made. Doors need to be locked. Laundry needs switched over. Coffee needs prepped. And so on.” And even though there was a time not long ago where all of that felt a little overwhelming - God has prepared me little by little for the continuous responsibility. And just when I’m used to that, and things feel rhythmic we add something else to the mix!

My message to you today - whether you’re a tired mama, tired dad, tired anyone - you’re doing enough. You are worthy of your rest and to renew at the end of the day so you’re more energetic tomorrow and can do it all over again


Rhythms for Life


How to mix textiles in your home