5 Minutes for Mom

OLIPOP - Finally, Soda That's Actually Good For You

I put this together as a way to get us moms in the habit of thinking about ourselves. I know it’s not easy to make time for our own well-being mainly because we have so much else to think about. SO MUCH. I mean there is not a minute that goes by that I’m thinking about someone else’s needs. The list is always growing and that’s okay. I’m here for it. It’s my job as mama and wife to be the caretaker. I love it. But that does mean that my appointments, my self-care and my needs get pushed and pushed. Until I get to the point that I’m literally like “wtf why am I so (insert whatever emotion here) angry, sad, emotional, tired… etc.”

It’s not that I don’t have the intention to take care of me, it’s that I always put everything first. The needs of our home, our kids, my husband, my job, etc. Then I get to myself and I’m literally too tired to take care of me. To make myself a healthy lunch. To take myself for a walk. To lift weights. To even get to bed at a decent time because I’m literally just CRAVING some alone time where no ONE and NOTHING is calling my attention - that’s when I stay up too late.. It’s a cycle.

BUT hear me out. We can get into the habit of MAKING time. Letting SOME things slide so that we can take care of ourselves. Putting the date in the calendar for a haircut and NOT canceling last minute because we just don’t feel like going. You can budget some money in there to get your nails painted, or buy yourself a new pair of underwear (I don’t know why but underwear came to mind because I feel like they are the first piece of clothing that starts to get worn and falling apart lol). Anyway, YOU GET THE POINT.

So, here we are. I made this calendar to help us get back in the habit of taking care of ourselves. Each week builds upon the week before it. And mamas, you have SEVEN DAYS (cue The Ring voice lol). SEVEN DAYS to do the goal for that week. And each week I give a longer 1 hour weekly goal. So each day you do the weekly task and then 1x a week you have a weekly goal that will help you!

In this calendar I focus on things that I know I need MORE of as a mom:

  • Friends

  • Nourishing Food

  • Moving my Body & Exercise

  • Time for Focus & Reflection

  • Self care through skincare, relaxation, stretching and yes - showers!

I hope this weekly challenge helps you re-center and remind yourself the importance of taking care of YOURSELF!

Tag me on IG if you start this! Let me know how it’s going! I want to check in on you!!!!


The Secret Motivation You Need to Keep Moving Forward


2023 Calendar Templates