The Secret Motivation You Need to Keep Moving Forward

Let me tell you a secret…

Everything in life is work. It doesn’t get easier, you get better at it. Your weights don’t get lighter, you get stronger.

When you start to realize that life is a beautiful gift. That the “hard” moments are what makes us stronger, what makes the sweet moments sweeter, and moving forward is the only direction to look; life starts to feel less overwhelming.

I’ve been told * a lot * lately that I’m pretty chill.

This has only come with the lessons I’ve learned that have taught me not to worry about literally anything. Of course I worry, but at the end of the day - God is there and He will always get me through. Every moment. Good & bad. God will see me through.

Don’t doubt your faith. Don’t doubt that He has a plan.

When you’re feeling like you have nothing left, that’s when it’s time to kick up your mental strength. Tell yourself and surround yourself with positive thoughts, people, and situations so you keep your strength up. There is nothing more powerful than a strong mind, well except God of course. There is so much you can accomplish just by putting your mind to work on focusing on the good, the end goal and where you’re headed. Keep your head up.

Sometimes it’s simple, tell yourself to get up and do the chore you don’t feel like doing. Other times it’s really hard, you’re sleep deprived or sick and your child still needs you to show up. Or you’re not feeling great but you’ve still got to get to work. Or you have a goal to hit, but you’ve got so much going on that it feels impossible to make time to achieve the dream you want.

Those are the moments our mental strength kicks in and tells us, we’ve got more in us and to keep going. It’s you against you, friend.


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