Four Habits to Focus on This Week

How is your year going so far?! We're almost in mid-January already and that is just incredibly exciting! There are so many great things to look forward to this year and I know it's going to be one that we'll all be able to finally exhale in and enjoy. There might be a lot of negativity in the world, and a lot that can be on our minds, but what we need to focus on is our health, strengthening our minds, and our internal happiness. It feels good to know that even in the midst of chaos, and stress, and overwhelm, and this insane world - that we can still feel joy and peace because we are making the right decisions every day to do so.

This week let's focus on that. Each day focus on making these core decisions throughout the day so you can feel your best and ultimately live your best life starting today!

  • Take care of yourself by minding your habits: are you showering daily? Are you taking care of your hygiene? Are you resting when you need to? Are you going to the bathroom when you need to or do you hold it because you have 5 things to do before you take that 2 minute break (I do this all the time!)? Are you scheduling doctor's appointments? Take care of you!

  • Get your body moving each day: Even if it's just for an hour of housework, playing with your kids, or a 10 minute walk around your neighborhood or yard. Do something that gets you moving each day. Preferably at least one time a day (weather permitting) get outside and take a short walk. The benefits of the sunlight on your skin, the fresh air in your lungs, and the adrenaline from your walk will do wonders for your immune system and your mind!

  • Be intentional about your food choices: Everyone knows we should eat well. What everyone doesn't know is that what you're eating today, may not affect you today but it will affect you tomorrow, and the day after, and next month. We renew our entire cell structure every 7-10 years. So what you're putting into your body really effects you long-term. Think about it. Every time you eat something you're effecting your organs, your hormones, your energy levels - literally everything. So although it's okay to indulge here and there - it cannot for the sake of your LIFE - be a habit to indulge. There are so many great recipes on BOD and BODi that will help you indulge in a healthy way!

  • Choose healthy relationships and activities: If something doesn't feel right or if your relationship with a friend feels toxic, then ditch it. A little tough love here, but it's important we are choosing to keep things, people, and activities in our lives that are encouraging and positive! There is no room here for toxic anything!

I’ve included some resources for you to enjoy below!


Get Rid of the Guilt, Mama.


Thoughts as we Say Hello to December