Thoughts as we Say Hello to December

As we close out November, I hope you have enjoyed the beginning of the holidays so far. Taking in every moment, embracing each smile on your child's face, every embrace from a family member or loved one, the days off, the time spent with family and friends and everything in between.

My focus this season is resetting my life. I left my full time job a few weeks ago and it feels good to be away from a toxic environment. It also feels good to be able to take this time to really focus on what I want to do, how I want our lives to look, and pour into my kids again. Life is hard. It goes fast. The days go by. Things don't get done. Kids get dismissed because we don't have enough time to put our full attention on them. Family and friends are not seen as much because of the busy turns our lives take. Food choices become bad. We neglect to move our bodies and just get so focused on what needs to be done, work, and what our responsibilities are.

Take some time this season to enjoy life, soak it up, be present, take a little longer talking to someone you love, reading a few more books to your kids, or spending a little longer at the store or meal prepping so you have good quality and food that fuels you and your family.

Most importantly, do all things with love.


Four Habits to Focus on This Week


Your Number One Job is…