Emily Parkins

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Friday Favorites - June 16, 2023

Good morning!

Hope you enjoy these Friday Favorites!!!!


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Applegate Chicken Sausage

We love this sausage - our whole family does! So I usually grab a bag or two when I’m at Walmart!

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I love having this old chalkboard that I originally grabbed from my FIL for our family prayer board but the kids have loved drawing on it. So I leave it in their reach! It’s fun to have and use for various things for the kids! Once I hang it it’ll be our prayer board again!

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Tessa Bailey’s Books!

I have been reading a Tessa Bailey Series called Too Hot to Handle - there are a series of 4 books and they follow a family on a road trip. I’m loving them. They are steamy and easy reads and I love that they are a series!

Well-Watered Woman

I have had my eye on this book for weeks and I’m so excited to start it!

Barbie Bike for Toddlers

Hailey loves this bike. They have it at daycare and she’s going to be so excited that I got her one for home!!!

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