How to mix textiles in your home

I know there was a trend of matching everything. All of your patterns and colors and everything had to match when it comes to design. However, as I am not normally a fan of normal or trends - I know that we are bringing back the mis-match beauty of the past!

There are so many different ways we can incorporate mis-matching so that even though patterns, and textiles, and items don’t necessarily ‘look’ like they belong together they still go together! My favorite way to do this is to pair like things together.

So I have a collection of tea pots that are all different patterns and styles - but when I put them all together they look great! I take this same concept with old vintage bottles my husband collects. He loves to dig up old dumps that are behind farmhouses and ends up finding these amazing treasures! We have tons of old bottles in our house everything from old whiskey bottles to old medicine bottles to old perfume bottles and old milk bottles and so many different types! They are so fun to collect! Once in a while he finds other things like jars and things that I like to use for storage! So fun!

Another way I like to mix up textures and patterns in on our throw pillows. I like to use different colors together and different patterns that make a statement on our plain brown couch. It is fun to come up with new ways to spruce up older furniture and this is one of them!

Shiplap is all over our house and another fun way to mix it up is by adding a stain to the natural wood. So in one room we have natural wood, in another we have a dark grey stain, and in our daughters’ room we have a white stained wood! I love the mix and match of the shiplap. As we continue to renovate our home we will add more shiplap and although I’m a fan of the natural wood for the main areas I do love the stained looked for the bedrooms and bathrooms!

Some other areas we can add texture and patterns to our homes is through linens. A variety of blankets and different blanket textures like knitted blankets, sherpa blankets, linen blankets, etc. They come in different patterns and sizes so mixing it up is really easy to do and adds so much flare to your home decor!

Greenery and flowers is always a fun way to mix in some color and life to our home. Playing around with wall decor also adds flare. Your picture frames don’t all have to match in order for them to go together either! Mixing up picture frames and textures on the walls shows personality and creativity!

Ultimately your home should be a reflection of who you are as a family. Don’t be afraid to show off your style and creativity and make it your own! There is no guideline. Your house doesn’t have to look like something out of a magazine or off of HGTV. It should be a reflection of you and your family and be your cozy happy place!


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