How to Pack for a Family of 5 - Beach Vacation

This used to feel like such a huge job. I would always wait until the last minute. Until I figured out the best ways to pack and make it as simple as I could on myself. Without the investment of packing cubes, wasting a million plastic baggies and making it too difficult!

Here are my top tips:

  1. Start with a list. I always have a list in the notes app of my phone with everything we’ll need and I check off the bubbles as I pack things!

  2. Pack the kids by outfit. Instead of throwing a million shorts and shirts into the bag, I started building outfits for them. This may take a little longer up front BUT it does save time on vacation as well as ensure you’re not OVER packing. It’s especially helpful if you don’t have a washing machine and you need to make sure there are enough clean clothes for the length of your stay!

  3. Pack small things like socks and underwear in large ziplock bags. This keeps them organized so you’re not losing them in the bag with all of the other items!

  4. Keep toiletries to a minimum. You don’t need to pack full-size items and you don’t need everything you think you do. You can either make smaller travel sized bottles work or just pack one shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc. for the whole family to use!

  5. If you’re packing jewlery use a jewelry case. It is so helpful to keep your jewelry organized this way.

  6. Have one designated spot for toiletries, glasses, contacts, etc. whether it’s separate bag or a bag inside your larger duffle bag.

  7. Pack your supplements. I have screwed myself so many times forgetting the supplements. If the kids develop a cough while we’re away or we need something for fevers or stings. I would SO much rather be prepared. So I always pack my supplements. If you'r supplements come in pill form, get a pill container. Makes it way easier to pack them without needing all of the bottles.

  8. I’ve seen this trend with tackle boxes. Packing tackle boxes with kids snacks is a great idea. You can give them a mix of stuff so they’re not bored and they can open and close whenever they want. Of course this is better for older kids. You can also use a tackle box as a way of packing your makeup, supplements, hair supplies, etc. Get creative here!

  9. Pack pajamas on top. Especially if you’re arriving late, it’s always good to have whatever you need first on top of the bag so you’re not sorting through it!

  10. Pack by kid. So I have the 2 girls share a bag and my son has his own bag. But as I’m packing I pack each kid individually so I don’t get confused with who has what!

I hope these tips help you! And if they do, share with a friend who needs some tips too!


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