6 Ways to Stay Consistent

As the summer goes on it gets harder and harder to stay in a routine. I know at about this point of the summer I am craving the consistency and routine that the fall and school year brings while also dreading the routine because I will miss the flexibility and fun of summer family time! So I put together this list of my six favorite ways to stay consistent - even when things aren’t consistent.

I think the most important message here is that even when life isn’t consistent you can still be consistent! You don’t need to get off-routine because you’re in a season where things are constantly changing. There are things we can do to feel like we have some routine and consistency. Whether you’re trying to eat healthy amidst vacations and BBQs or trying to exercise at the same time daily - you can use these tips as a way to stay consistent.

  1. Make it a priority

    If you’re struggling to find some consistency in your life, whatever your goal is - make it a priority. If you’re trying to eat healthier or exercise or finish a book or learn a new hobby - making these things priority in your life will help keep you consistent. You eat something healthy first thing in the morning. You exercise first chance you get in the day. You start your hobby instead of picking up your phone.

  2. Celebrate small wins

    It’s easy to get lost in the journey when we’re not see huge wins. If it’s only a pound lost. An inch lost. A little bit of muscle gained. One night of good sleep. Etc. You have to celebrate even the small ways you’re moving forward because each of these small steps add up to big ones. One pound a week is 4 pounds a month. That makes a difference!

  3. Stay focused.

    Don’t get distracted by what doesn’t matter and isn’t going to make a difference for you! Stay focused on your goal so you can achieve it. Don’t scroll. Don’t let negativity hold you back. Stay focused and you will achieve your goals, even if your goal is to have somewhat of a summer schedule so your kids nap at the same time daily!

  4. Journal how you’re feeling

    Again it’s easy to get lost in the journey. So when we journal about how we’re feeling on the good and bad days it can bring us back down to earth and we can see how far we’ve really come!

  5. Ask someone for help

    Sometimes we just can’t do things on our own. Ask a trusted friend to check-in with you. Staying consistent is about keeping up with whatever it is your goal is. Falling being is not being consistent. If you need extra support, that’s okay. Asking a friend to check-in with you to see if you did your laundry on Tuesday like you planned to do will help keep you consistent and encouraged!

  6. Make a plan

    Nothing moves forward without a plan. We can’t just assume we’re going to be consistent without having a plan for being consistent. If you want your child to nap at the same time everyday you have to plan your day around that time that they nap. If you want to exercise at the same time every day your schedule needs to allow it. Making a plan will help you achieve your goals, and keep in routine. For me, I’ve time blocked my schedule the rest of the summer. This allows my days to be structured. Helps me keep my son’s day structured and helps me know when I will be doing each task. It is so helpful to have a guide. Even adults need schedule and routine!


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