Managing Anxiety & Stress as a Mama


It’s not easy being a Mama. It’s beautiful and wonderful but it can feel overwhelming and a lot of us feel anxious! That’s okay!

I’ve learned that managing my stress and anxiety have been so helpful.

It’s been the difference between feeling stuck at home missing out on life because I was afraid to drive 👉🏼 to being able to take my 3 kids to the grocery store and make it a “fun” experience. Without fear. Without anxiety. Just pure fun.

Here’s how I’ve done it 👇🏼

🤗 Recognize what I’m feeling is anxiety. When it creeps it. I deep breathe. I play worship music. Call a friend. Assure myself that I am anxious and I can move past it.

☀️ I eat. I make sure I’m not getting too hungry or dehydrated. That’s important. Less sugar. Less caffeine. More movement. Hire a nutritionist. Get your blood work done. Take some steps to heal and make sure you’re keeping your blood sugar in check too!

😅Exercise and move my body. Give the endorphins a chance to kick it and I always feel better after that.

🤪 Have fun. I try to focus on the moment. Having fun. Not all the other “stuff”. Having fun has been a big thing for me this year. Not as much worry when you’re focusing on having fun with your kids and family and friends.

📓 Journal. Write out my thoughts, stresses, make plans for how to move on. Just get it all out.

👯‍♀️ I love being around people. So for me, being around others helps so much. Plan some time to be around friends and family and even time for you to just be alone.

🫶🏼 Therapy. Talking to someone who is professional and trained in PPD, PPA, and all of the things moms deal with is sooo helpful and can make a HUGE difference.

I hope this helps. You don’t have to feel crippled with anxiety and overwhelm. You’re a great mom. The fact that you care about your children and being a good mom to them shows that you are! So take the pressure off yourself and give yourself the time you need to take care of you, too. 💜


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