Building a Motherhood Village

You’re never too old to find friends.

It took me a LONG time to meet girlfriends who not only believe in the same things I do, but encourage me, support me even if we disagree, and love me (and my family.) and so much more… We are each other’s rocks. We have an ongoing group chat where we share literally anything and everything and I am so happy I have this group of wonderful women to help me and support me in everything I do.

I would do anything for my girlfriends and I know they’d be there for me at any time of day for anything I need.

That is a village.

That is friendship.

That is love.

That is not easy to find but when you find it you don’t let it go.

And you bet in 50 years we’ll be laughing just as hard, telling funny stories, and eating snacks & drinking margaritas until 11pm on a Tuesday.


Here are some ways you can find friends as a mama:

💜 The park, don’t be afraid to talk to other women at the park. They are there with their kiddos just like you are and I’m sure they’re looking for friendships as well!

💜 Go to local moms meetups until you find one where you click!

💜 Chat with other mamas at the grocery store, sporting events, online, literally ANYWHERE. Just don’t be afraid to talk to other women and make friends, and ask for their number so you guys can meetup again. We all need that connection and love!

💜 Church is probably one of my favorite places to meet new friends and was where I met my girlfriends! Don’t be afraid to join a life group or small group and show up and be authentic!

💜 Go to local events that are about things you’re interested it: sewing, gardening, painting, harry potter, you name it!

I know it may be a tad overwhelming to try to find new friends, but it is going to be so vital for you to have friends throughout your adult years. It is really hard to keep friends we had from when we were kids because a lot of us grow up and apart. There are a few people who are able to stay friends, and they’re so blessed! But some of us don’t have that experience which is okay! So I encourage you to find friends wherever you go. Just show up. Be a friend to them. See who is a friend back. And start being your authentic self. It will come. 💜


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