Monthly Meal Planning - Why it’s helpful & How to do it!

Monthly meal planning can be so great in busy seasons because it allows you to plan all of your meals ahead of time which takes out the need to plan weekly and just guess what you’re having for dinner! Having a plan is so important for making life a little bit easier and releasing some of that mental load we carry as moms.

I was kind of hesitant to monthly meal plan because ‘what if things change’ but then I decided if things change then I will make changes! Not a reason to not have a plan most of the time! So I actually made a monthly meal plan for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. This helped me stay on track and to always have an idea of what to make for meal prep, and serve the kids too!

Benefits of monthly meal planning:

  • Budget friendly

  • Releases mental load of what to cook / when

  • Helps you serve your family more nourishing meals by planning out what you’re cooking when

  • Enables a more diverse diet because you’re seeing what you’re making in a ‘full' picture

  • Put it on the fridge and now everyone knows ‘what we have to eat’

OLIPOP - A new kind of soda.

How I monthly meal plan:

  1. I reference my list of go-to meals.

  2. I go through my favorite cook books, blogs, pinterest, etc. for new ideas.

  3. I make a list of my new favorites and add them to the calendar with either a link to name of book with page number from cookbook.

  4. Fill out the calendar.

  5. Print the calendar out and put it on the fridge so everyone can reference what is to eat!

Here is a link to my google sheet. Make a copy and edit it for yourself!

Below is my example from July


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