Switching Rooms at Daycare | How to Help Your Child Transition to the Next Room

Molly switched rooms at daycare last week… it’s been an adjustment.

She’s done pretty good for the most part but will definitely cry when I drop her off. Which is so hard. She settled throughout the day with a little crying in and out. I’m thankful she’s adjusting to a new room. It’s still really hard to say goodbye to your baby for 7-8 hours when they’re crying.

I pray every morning she has a good day. She has the biggest smile on her face when I pick her up. 😍

She will adjust! But that doesn’t make it easier!

If you’re going through something similar just know you’re not alone. You’ll get through it. My 3 year old LOVES daycare. Asks us on the weekend if she can go play with her friends. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. But the process is hard and that’s okay!

Here are some ways I’ve tried to make it a little easier on her…

  • Stick with a consistent routine while we’ve been home.

  • Give her all of the cuddles and love she wants when she is home.

  • Continue to do the same routine at drop-off. Say goodbye to Hailey, drop off Molly and give her a hug and kiss, hand her to the teacher, stand there for a minute talking to the teacher and walk away.

  • Give her grace for being clingy and extra fussy because she’s going through a big change in her little world.

  • Give myself grace and love for watching her cry as I say goodbye, but knowing the switch is good for her and she will end up really enjoying the new room!

Hopefully these tips help you a little bit as your kiddos make the next move up to the next classroom this year!


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