Grilled Salmon on Lemons


I saw this really cool trick the other day where you ad lemons to your grill and cook your salmon on top of the lemons. So here we go, and it is yummy. Fresh tasting. Perfect for summer! Enjoy this healthy and delicious recipe for your BBQ’s or as a dinner host!


  • 2lbs. Salmon

  • 4 lemons sliced

  • Asapargus

  • Olive Oil

  • Salt, Pepper

  • Diced Potatoes


  1. Dice potatoes and cover in olive oil and salt & pepper. Spread thin on a baking sheet and cook at 400 for 20 minutes.

  2. Slice lemons so they are in 1 inch thick slices.

  3. Cut salmon into individual pieces. Rub with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

  4. Lay lemons on grill and top with salmon.

  5. Next, snap asparagus. Douse with olive oil, salt and pepper. Lay flat on a baking sheet and cook at 400 for 10 minutes.

  6. Serve once salmon is cooked!

  7. Enjoy!


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